Lorenzo Chiuchiù
graduated in Aesthetics at the University of Florence under the supervision of Anna Giannatiempo Quinzio and Sergio Givone. He received a Ph.D in Philosophy and Sciences of the Text at the University of Siena. He published essays on Hrabal, Hoffmann, Camus, Char, Baudelaire, Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Bloch, De Angelis, Quinzio. He is a member of the editing committee of the review Davar. He edited into Italian Métaphysique chrétienne et Néoplatonisme (Gallimard) and La dévotion à la Croix (Gallimard) by Albert Camus. He edited and translated into Italian Mallarmé, la lucidité et sa face d’ombre by Jean-Paul Sartre (Gallimard). He published the collection of essays Atleti del fuoco (Mimesis). He published the books of poetry: Iride incendio (La Vita Felice), Sorteggio (Marietti 1820), Le parti del grido (Effigie). With Filippo Timi wrote the pièce Archivio degli universi possibili. He wrote the roman Esecuzione dell’ultimo giorno (Aguaplano). He published Res mystica, a study on Giorgio Colli (“Estetica. Studi e ricerche”, il Mulino, 2022).